Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Scanning with Nmap, Wireshark, AutoScan and Zenmap

Scanning using Nmap,Wireshark,Auto Scan and Zenmap

I try scan with nmap. After my scan habit see open port and that closed, very berisiko at OS which is operating.

By using wireshark, my chosen koneksi pass through eth0 and after me joint with IP , automatically we deflect to see data which enter and go out from eth0 peripheral.

Auto Scan
With scan aouto we can see open PC-PC and closed, there also which we see many OS operating.

Way of its same activity nmap dngan, with zenmap we can see its result from nmap as well as we can see its topology.

Scanning Result

Scanning result
Found also 13 open port and 5 close, methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS TRACE Potentially risky methods: TRACE, Methods supported:  GET HEAD, Not shown  982 filtered ports PORT     STATE  SERVICE    VERSION, aggresive of used OS till 90% using Linux.
Discovered 3 open port, there also data which Not shown 996 filtered ports
PORT  STATE SERVICE  VERSION, aggresive of used OS till 96% using Linux. 
Found also 13 open port, there also which  Note shown 985 PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION ports filtered,aggresive of used OS till 93% using Linux.

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Cyber Crime Case

 In the year 1982 have happened peculation in bank pass through computer as reported on " Reconditional Voice" edition 10 January 1991 about two student people which goal money from a private bank in Jakarta counted Rp. 372.100.000,00 by using computer medium. Furthermore growth from computer technology is in the form of networkyang computer later then bear an communications room and global information which recognized with internet.
At the case, this case of its modus is criminal purification, badness this type of usually use internet only as badness medium. Its solution, because this badness is including peculation bank with computer menggunaka as a means of conduct badness. As according to code exist in Indonesia hence, the people menaced with section 362 KUHP or Section 378 KUHP, depended from done conducted deed modus it.

Installation WinXP and Ubuntu passing Oracle Virtualbox Manager

v  Open Virtualbox.

v  Select New and then will appear like this image. Click Next

v  Then, will appear window like picture. You must fill name in box.

v  If you already fill the Name, select OS Ubuntu or Windows.

v  Arrange the memory as you want like picture above then if you click next will appear box like picture below. Click Next.

v  Select Next again.

v  Select Dynamically Expanding Storage, click next.

v  Arrange the Hard disk, click next.

v  Select Finish, then you select; start, and conduct Windows XP or Ubuntu.